*This review contains minor spoilers for Resident Evil 7’s main campaign.*
When it came out that Capcom was planning on releasing additional DLC alongside Not A Hero to complete the overall story arc of Resident Evil 7, I wasn’t sure what to expect. It reminded me of when Bioware reworked the ending to Mass Effect 3 after huge fan backlash — was it completely necessary to put a bowtie on the story of a character we didn’t have a chance to become familiar with? It turns out I was wrong, very wrong. End of Zoe serves as the perfect terminus for Resident Evil 7 and its characters, while managing to provide an incredibly satisfying gameplay experience that begs to be replayed once the credits have rolled.
End of Zoe begins at the point where Ethan decides to cure his wife Mia, instead of Zoe Baker, and leaves her to her fate on the Bakers’ river dock. As Zoe makes her way through the woods, ready to accept her inevitable doom, she becomes calcified and immobile. Soon she is discovered by a bearded man, only to find out that the man is Joe Baker, brother of Jack Baker himself. Seeing his niece in such a state, Joe takes it upon himself to find out what happened to her and to save her life — if he can.
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